When you’re passionate about something and deeply committed to seeing it succeed, it can be hard to share control. However, you’ve probably already realized that when it comes to launching your new business, the “if you want it done right, do it yourself” approach can only get you so far. Starting your own business already means countless long hours and late nights, and attempting to carry the weight alone can easily result in burnout. In this video, Arun Kumar explains the traits and values one should be looking for while choosing a business partner.
“A successful business partnership relies on many things, but trust and reliability are the keys. “A reliable business partner will share your passion and ambition, challenge you, and bring in new skills and ideas. But most of all, there will always be an element of trust that you are both dedicated to effectively working through any situation together.” And the most important thing you can look for in a business partner is a personality and attitude that works synergistically with your own.
Arun Kumar is an energetic and dynamic business mentor, a certified marketing consultant and a John Maxwell certified speaker has been an entrepreneur for over 15 years with 5 different brands. In one-month alone Arun has brought in 15 million USD from the influences of his strategic market planning. Medical Legal Spider currently serves 900 clients. His organization serves over 2000 web and mobile sites while employing 300 employees globally and domestically. With a proven methodology, Arun has become a leader in agile marketing.
We hope this video clearly explains the need for choosing the right business partner.
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Thalam – Empowering Entrepreneurship
A business of impact is the business of the future. Thalam aims to unleash the power of the Tamilian wave and make a global impact by sharing the secret sauce behind every successful business venture. We believe that this initiative will empower many first-generation entrepreneurs and inspire those who are already a part of the country’s entrepreneurship ecosystem to excel even further to fight income inequality and eventually eradicate poverty in our community.
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